You Can Make A Donation Via Personal Check, Credit Card, or PayPal
Would you like your contribution to be tax-deductible?

If you are a member of the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF), you can provide a "Directed Contribution" to this DXpedition by sending a personal check for at least $250 made payable to NCDXF to:

Northern California DX Foundation
PO Box 2012
Cupertino, CA 95015-2012

Please write "Directed Contribution-Palmyra 2016" somehere on your check. Since NCDXF which is registered as a 501c-3 non-profit organization, your contribution should be tax deductible, but please consult your tax advisor.

Personal Check Payable to
Palmyra Island DXpedition
Credit Card or PayPal
Enter Your Call Sign & Click "Donate"

Please note: If you have any trouble using these donate option buttons, you can always contribute directly to our paypal account at:  donate@palmyra2016.org

  USA ($) EUROPE (€) JAPAN (¥)
Send To
Craig Thompson K9CT
1603 N. Holiday Lane
Trivoli, IL 61569-9643
Callsign (Required)

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Our Corporate Sponsors

We wish to acknowledge and thank the following Companies, who have graciously and generously contributed to our success.

Last Update: 14-December-2015 @ 1900 UTC

Copyright © 2015-2016  Webmaster: K6MM