We want you in our log, so please help us by following these guidelines.
- If you cannot hear us - please don't call us. Wait until propagation and conditions favor your QTH for one or more of the Bands and Modes. Eventually you WILL have a clear path to Palmyra Atoll. Be patient.
- Unless you hear otherwise from the Operator, we will ALWAYS be operating in SPLIT MODE throughout the DXpedition.
- Listen to the Operator for RX frequencies (e.g., "up 5 to 10", or "listening on 7.155", etc.)
- You have two ears and one mouth, so please try to listen more, talk less. Be patient.
- During SSB pileups, please announce your full call clearly -- ONCE -- using common phonetics.
- During ALL pileups, listen for YOUR call on the comeback. Trust that we have two good ears.
- We're not impressed by those who
add to the QRM by constantly calling out of turn. Be patient.
- Please do not Tune Up on any of our TX frequencies or any of our RX slots!
- If we ask for "EU" only or "QRP only" or any other specific request, please QRX. Be patient.
- Resist those "insurance" QSOs. We want to maximize unique QSOs, not Dupes.
- Whenever possible, we will try to listen in the General portion of the band.
Remember: We want you in our log. Please help us get you there. |